2000s Blockbusters That Defined a Generation
Revisit groundbreaking films like The Dark Knight and Avatar, which set new standards for cinema in the 2000s.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
"Life is the ultimate work of art." Directed by Woody Allen , starring Scarlett Johansson .

The Lovely Bones
"The story of a life and everything that came after..." Directed by , starring Saoirse Ronan .
Michael Clayton
"The truth can be adjusted." Directed by Tony Gilroy , starring George Clooney .

"April 1945, a nation awaits its... Downfall" Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel , starring Bruno Ganz .
Top Movies from the 2010s You Can't Miss
From Inception to Parasite, the 2010s were filled with critically acclaimed films that redefined storytelling in the digital age.

Despicable Me 2
"When the world needed a hero, they called a villain." Directed by Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin , starring Steve Carell .
Iron Man 3
"Unleash the power behind the armor." Directed by Shane Black , starring Robert Downey Jr. .
The Croods
"Meet the first modern family." Directed by Chris Sanders, Kirk DeMicco , starring Nicolas Cage .
Kung Fu Panda 3
"Grab destiny by the rice dumplings." Directed by Alessandro Carloni, Jennifer Yuh Nelson , starring Jack Black .
The Fate of the Furious
"Never give up on family." Directed by F. Gary Gray , starring Vin Diesel .
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
"The fire will burn forever." Directed by Francis Lawrence , starring Jennifer Lawrence .