2000s Blockbusters That Defined a Generation
Revisit groundbreaking films like The Dark Knight and Avatar, which set new standards for cinema in the 2000s.

The Motorcycle Diaries
"Let the world change you...and you can change the world." Directed by Walter Salles , starring Gael García Bernal .

Eastern Promises
"Every sin leaves a mark." Directed by David Cronenberg , starring Viggo Mortensen .
Good Night, and Good Luck.
"We will not walk in fear of one another." Directed by George Clooney , starring David Strathairn .
Top Movies from the 2010s You Can't Miss
From Inception to Parasite, the 2010s were filled with critically acclaimed films that redefined storytelling in the digital age.

Ralph Breaks the Internet
"Who Broke the Internet?" Directed by Phil Johnston, Rich Moore , starring John C. Reilly .
Silver Linings Playbook
"Watch For The Signs" Directed by David O. Russell , starring Bradley Cooper .
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
"The game is afoot." Directed by Guy Ritchie , starring Robert Downey Jr. .
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness
"Falling in love and living to tell her tale." Directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy , starring Saba .
"Welcome to the Kaufman surreal-neorealism tale in a dull world of sameness." Directed by Duke Johnson , starring David Thewlis .