The Best Cult Classics of the 1990s
From Pulp Fiction to Fight Club, the 1990s brought us some of the most unforgettable cult classics. Explore the thrillers, comedies, and dramas that shaped the era.

Mission: Impossible
"Expect the impossible." Directed by Brian De Palma , starring Tom Cruise .
Gods and Monsters
"A portrait of an outrageous friendship." Directed by , starring Ian McKellen .
"No limits. No fears. No substitutes." Directed by Martin Campbell , starring Pierce Brosnan .
"Triumphant in Victory, Bitter in Defeat. He Changed the World, But Lost a Nation." Directed by Oliver Stone , starring Anthony Hopkins .
The Sweet Hereafter
"There is no such thing as the simple truth." Directed by Atom Egoyan , starring Ian Holm .
View2000s Blockbusters That Defined a Generation
Revisit groundbreaking films like The Dark Knight and Avatar, which set new standards for cinema in the 2000s.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
"The Machines Will Rise." Directed by Jonathan Mostow , starring Arnold Schwarzenegger .

Cast Away
"At the edge of the world, his journey begins." Directed by Robert Zemeckis , starring Tom Hanks .
The Matrix Revolutions
"Everything that has a beginning has an end." Directed by Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski , starring Keanu Reeves .
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
"Everything you know is about to change forever." Directed by Andrew Adamson , starring William Moseley .
Mission: Impossible III
"The mission begins 05:05:06." Directed by J.J. Abrams , starring Tom Cruise .
Top Movies from the 2010s You Can't Miss
From Inception to Parasite, the 2010s were filled with critically acclaimed films that redefined storytelling in the digital age.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
"Beyond darkness... beyond desolation... lies the greatest danger of all." Directed by Peter Jackson , starring Ian McKellen .
The Conjuring
"Based on the true case files of the Warrens." Directed by James Wan , starring Patrick Wilson .
Undisputed III: Redemption
"One deadly tournament. Last fight for freedom." Directed by Isaac Florentine , starring Scott Adkins .
Deadpool 2
"Prepare for the Second Coming." Directed by David Leitch , starring Ryan Reynolds .
Exit Through the Gift Shop
"The world's first Street Art disaster movie..." Directed by , starring Rhys Ifans .
The Age of Adaline
"Love is timeless." Directed by Lee Toland Krieger , starring Blake Lively .